New Zealand

On October 27, seven of us head to New Zealand for 3 weeks. For much of the trip, Rachel, Serena and Terry travel in one group (posts marked with a "*"), and Angela, Ben, Patrick and Tom travel in another (marked with a "~"). Here's the blow-by-blow (er, actually, hopefully NOT!) account.
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Monday, October 30, 2006

Be a tidy Kiwi

As you may or may not know, New Zealanders refer to themselves as Kiwis. Kiwis (non-human ones) are small, flightless birds native only to NZ. "Kiwi" is also what they (the humans) renamed the fruit to when they wanted to market it worldwide! When we were in the food court of the Manakau shopping center today, Terry bought soda in a can and we had fun reading its label. My favorite - their encouragement not to litter (presumably with that can), came with the appeal, "BE A TIDY KIWI." That is an obligation and responsibility that we will undertake to discharge as honorably as we possibly can during our stay here.

And, yes, we've made it safely here to Christchurch. Today was a day of travel. We had a delayed flight in Appleton, a long layover in LA, and then got to Auckland later than expected - so took a short jaunt to the Manakau shopping center before hopping on a flight to Christchurch. So if we count wait times, the journey here took us... (calculating here...) 36 hours. Of course, New Zealand is 18 (although I think it's 17 now that Daylight Savings has presumbly struck back there) ahead of Wisconsin time, so between the mad travel changes and adjusting to being on the opposite side of the world, we're pretty bushed tonight.

We went to dinner tonight at an Indonesian restaurant (incredible!), and then barely made it back to our respective resting spots for the evening. *yawn!*. G' night!

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  • At Mon Oct 30, 04:18:00 PM GMT+13, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OH FRIENDS! I am so glad to hear you are having a super time! How fun! We were watching Eight Below on the bus today (yes, I just got home from a lovely 10 hour bus ride) and there is a scene in Christchurch and I thought of you... sigh. Keep having fun and posting cause I'm LOVING this! And, I think I miss you already!

  • At Mon Oct 30, 04:18:00 PM GMT+13, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    duh, that was Katie :)

  • At Tue Oct 31, 08:22:00 AM GMT+13, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Angela and Serena, what up from Packerland. (the Pack beat Arizona yesterday) I'm just back in my office from MN Fall Retreat. Excellent time and only wrecked one pool cue and one tire. Missed ya at Catacombs Angela. Sounds like a sweeeeet trip. Refresh my memory, how did this trip come about. Who are you and what is your vision statement?

    Have a beautiful day! Mike

  • At Tue Oct 31, 08:24:00 AM GMT+13, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Okay, so I'm mr. adhd who can't read all the directions. I did find some of your pre-trip game night stuff.


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